September 2009

On the Importance of Sleep

Posted by: Becca
After a long week of rain and temperatures in the 40's, we had an absolutely beautiful weekend. Not only did we have great weather, we had a cabin full of people all weekend, which was a rare treat. Allyson, Darren, Greta, Jamie, Kerri, Casey, and Nilla came up for some hiking and biking. The kids were pretty fired up to play in the snow...

Casey and Greta love snow

The guys went out for a long ride on Saturday and the girls went out on Sunday.

Jamie and Darren riding in South Park

Nilla got in lots of naps, but the kids didn't. They were a little cranky by the end of the weekend. Lesson learned, kids need lots of sleep!

Nilla up from a nap



Posted by: Becca

Fall is here. The leaves are turning and we have had multiple days of snow! Over the past few weekends we've done a bit of home maintenance, the Harvest Moon Half Ironman, and some wood chopping. Major accomplishments at the cabin include: the deck has been sanded and stained and the squirrels have been evicted from their home under the roof.


Sanded & Stained

Out squirrel. OUT.

The Harvest Moon race was great. The course was awesome, with one of the best bike rides I have ever had. If I hadn't had two flats and only one tube it would have been a much shorter day and the finish and the delicious Wahoo tacos would have come much sooner.

We started cutting wood this weekend. A $25 pass from the national forest lets us cut up t o 2 cords of wood. Kyle cuts. I stack.
