France Update - Day 11

Posted by: Becca

Part I: Last night's dinner
I think that a key part of getting the most out of a trip is to make sure to enjoy the local food at every meal. That's why our blog is a little foodcentric. Last night at La Romanche we tried two local specialties, tartiflette and tartibleu. The were casseroles of potatoes, bacon, and cheese. The only difference between the two was the type of cheese. The tartiflette had reblochon and the tartibleau had blue cheese. Pretty tastey!

Others things noticed in the restaurant:
1. The best we can tell, most of the other tourists here are from the Netherlands. Everyone in the restaurant was Dutch and a Dutch soccer game was being shown on the tv.
2. It is less expensive to get a glass of wine than a coca cola.
3. Sleeveless shirts are acceptable dinnerware for European men. Best if paired with capris and a man bag.
4. Tax on alcohol is 19.95%.

Part II: Today's fun
After a trip to the supermarket to buy a picnic lunch, we headed to La Berarde for a hike. When we got there the parking lot was completely full. It was absolutely amazing the number of people out for a day hike, going for a climb, or heading out on a backcountry trip. They were all shapes and sizes and ages too. You would think we were in the most active spot in the world! The trail followed a river to the base of a glacier. About an hour in to the hike we stopped for a picnic.

We spent the rest of the time hiking (guided by signs that told us how long each hike should take) in the Ecrins National Park and soaking up the beauty.

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