France Update - Day 12

Posted by: Kyle

Last night's dinner:
Wood-fired pizzerias are by far the most common type of restaurant in the area. We are very close to Italy, and I guess everyone does like pizza. We had some really good pizzas last night. We also split a salade Lyonaise, which has become one of our favorites. It's pretty easy to have at least one egg at all meals here. This was a two-egg meal.

Today's ride:
Today we rode over the Col du Galibier, another famous mountain pass from past Tours de France. At 2646m, it was the highest pass we've ridden since we've been here. It's very popular with cyclists, and the road was busy all the way up. Again today we had our photos taken by two professional photographers on the way up each side. It's a great, long climb, and the views were amazing. Coming up from the south side there were km markers that told elevation and grade.

A few photos from the ride.

And some from the top.

We rode up and over the pass, and had planned to ride down the valley on the other side for a while before turning around and heading back over. Unfortunately, I got a flat on the way down, and when I was fixing it I saw that there was a big gash in the sidewall. The tire looked like it might not hold together for too long, so we headed back from there.

La Grave:
On the way back to Bourg d'Oisans we stopped at the town of La Grave, a small town known for its skiing. We found an amazing bread shop, where we got two of the best sandwiches ever.

After lunch, we walked around and checked out the town. It's a really nice place. I'd love to come back in the winter for some skiing.

Tonight's dinner:
For dinner we headed to La Rive Guache, a restaurant in Bourg d'Oisans to see what sort of meals we could find that topped with eggs. The first was, of course, our usual salade Lyonaise.

Then we had some pasta. Unfortunately, only Becca's came with an egg. She had the capalettis carbonara.

No egg for me, but I did have crayfish, along with smoked trout, on my capalettis Rive Guache.

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