Alley Loop 2014

Posted by: Becca & Kyle
We went to our third Alley Loop in as many years this February. For a while it seemed like we weren’t going to make it. Monarch Pass was closed on Friday night due to avalanches, keeping us from getting to Crested Butte until the following morning after 8.5 hours of driving and a stop over at the cabin.

Becca did the 21 km length race while Kyle did the 42 km, so all the pictures are of him... and food - of course.

We went to Montanya’s for fancy rum drinks, polenta caprese, and pork tacos.
No trip to Crested Butte is complete without dinner at the Secret Stash. Our pizzas (spinach, pancetta, cheese, over easy eggs, and a garlic butter sauce for Kyle and chicken, cheddar cheese, ham, and bbq sauce for Becca) were delicious as always.

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