We want to move to Steamboat

but we have no marketable skills.

Last weekend we went to Steamboat Springs to ride our mountain bikes and do a quick backpacking trip. The mountain biking was great. We rode on trails located on the ski mountain. There were very nice wildflowers everywhere. Here's Becca on Pete's Wicked Trail (sounds east coast doesn't it?).

Aspens that make good skiing in the winter time.

After our ride we went to Mazzola's for happy hour. Half price apps and cheap chianti!

Dinner was delicious.

We camped in the Element that evening and made coffee in the morning with Kyle's new french press - thanks, Chris.

Then it was off to Gilpan Lake.

We camped by a creek. It got pretty cold.

In the morning, despite hypothermia from the night before, we swam in Gold Creek Lake.

This is us.

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