France Update - Day 2

After a solid twelve hours of sleep last night, we got up around 9:00 and headed to a cafe down the street for some breakfast of pain chocolat, OJ, baguette, and coffee. After breakfast we unpacked and assembled our bikes and went for a short ride to a town called Allemont, and up to the Lac Vernay, where we'll swim for our races in a couple of days. Here's Bec in front of a church in Allemont.

And here's a view of Lac Vernay.

After our ride we tried to get some lunch, but a lot of the cafes stop serving lunch at 2:00, which is less than convenient, since they won't serve dinner before 7:00. We did find a place to eat and had some really good ham and cheese sandwiches on buttered baguettes. A ham and cheese sandwich should always have butter.

After lunch we walked around the town of Bourg D'Oisans. Here are some pictures. The flower baskets and planters here rival the ones in Corvallis.

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