Alpine Odyssey

Posted by: Bec and Kyle
We went down to Crested Butte for the weekend. We stayed right in town. Here is the view from our balcony

On Saturday Kyle did the Alpine Odyssey - a 100 km mountain bike race with 9000 ft of climbing. His competition - LANCE ARMSTRONG...
Before the race:

During the race:

View from the race course:

After the race with the Schwinn Homegrown. The Homegrown was the subject of much discussion during the race - people could not believe someone was riding a bike from the 90's. I bet they were even more surprised to come in behind someone riding a bike from the 90's.

After the race we headed to our favorite restaurant, The Secret Stash, but first we took a few pics to document our 5th anniversary.

The "You're Driving Me Caprese" and the "Woodward". Yum.

Us after enjoying our pizzas:

On Sunday we went for a short ride. Kyle:



View of Mt. Crested Butte:

The Slate River:

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