23 pictures?

Posted by: Becca
Technical difficulty this week. Only 23 of the approximately 230 pictures mom took were on the camera when she downloaded them this evening. Good thing I am so adorable and all pictures of me are fantastic. I can even rock a curly mullet and look cute.
I'm tired of this baby sliding with you guys pulling me. I want to go on my own.
That's more like it.
I love Emmett's pasta. Not only is it delicious - it makes a wonderful facial masque.
Mom! Do something about your hair. You are embarrassing me!
I know I have 100 books (not an exaggeration - mom counted them Friday night - not sure what her problem is). I still want you to read 'Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site' for the 50th time this week.
What did I tell you people? So cute - even a picture shortage can't stop me. Emmett rules!
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