Random Things

Posted by: Becca

What happens when you let Chris and Michelle buy you clothes? See for yourself:

The garden has started to grow. We have been told by the folks at the garden shop that during year one the garden would weep (it may not have, but I did), year two we would see it creep, and year three it would leap. Since many things the first year DIED, we should see a mix of creeping and leaping. The arctic mound is leaping.

People at work and swim have made me scared to eat meat. The smell of few hamburgers on the grill should cure me of my fear, but in the meantime I tried making black bean burgers with mango salsa. They actually tasted good and looked just like the picture in my Cooking Light magazine.

This posting was pretty much drivel, but I get yelled at if we go too long without an update :).

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