France Update - Day 1

Travel day - We thought we were ready, and then we talked to our neighbor Wiske. She made us take her European cell phone for emergencies, extra power adapters, and 25 euros. Off to a good start. At the airport Northwest tried to charge us $300 one way per bike. Luckily we made some deadline and got off with the bargain price of $150 per bike. They felt bad about the exorbitant charge and gave us a card for a free drink.

The flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam was long. Eight hours in the middle seat long. The flight from Amsterdam to Lyon was much more pleasant. We sat next to Odile, she lives in Lyon and insisted that we took her phone number in case we had a hard time with the French people. This seemed pretty funny since she was French but whatever!

The drive from Lyon to L'Hotel Des Alpes in Bourg D'Oisans was about two hours. The hotel is in a great location right in the center of town and has a terrific view of the walking mall below.

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